滿NT$2,000 免運 運送地區:台灣、港澳、新馬

Konny is designed and made by a mom and a dad who parent together.

Before we had any time to recover from the delivery, we had to adapt to a whole new lifestyle as first-time parents with a baby who slept four to five times a day.

Items popular for helping babies fall asleep quickly only worked temporarily. As the best way to help our baby boy fall asleep was walking around while holding him in our arms, it eventually caused severe pain in our wrists and waists.

When going out for even a short walk, there were loads of baby stuff to carry, including a sizeable baby carrier dangling from a bag it was too large to fit in. Sometimes, being a parent was exhausting enough to make us feel weary and distressed.

We wanted to make a carrier that was so light that we’d even forget that we were wearing one, while featuring a design stunning enough to keep moms and dads holding and nurturing their babies in style.

At the same time, we wanted to make it comfortable, not putting any burden on the wearer’s waist, shoulders and wrists. Above all, we wanted to make a carrier that helps babies fall asleep quickly so that parents could be afforded a well-deserved break, even for a brief moment!